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Spam Policy

Occasionally our shortened links will be used in spam or to point to malicious content. We take this abuse of our service very seriously and do everything we can to prevent it. Here are some ways we help keep our users safe:

  • is a paid, subscription-based service. This alone thwarts many would-be spammers and criminals from abusing the service.
  • A “URL Safety Check” feature is prominently displayed on the site which takes users to a free AI-powered phishing and fraudulent link detection tool. Users who are given a shortened URL by an untrusted party using one of our domains are encouraged to check the link using this tool and report it using the form on the Contact page if it violates any of our policies.
  • Shortened URLs are permanent - users are not allowed to change their destinations once they’ve been created. This prevents “bait and switch” tactics by spammers who might link to real content first and then malware later.
  • Any complaints of abuse received are thoroughly investigated and there is a dedicated contact form designed for these. We aim to act on all abuse complaints within 24 hours.
  • Our Terms & Conditions are very clear on what usage isn’t allowed. Because use in any commercial email (whether or not it’s technically unsolicited spam) is disallowed, there isn’t any scope for spammers to skirt around these policies.
  • We hate spam usage of our service and have no relationship with spammers. We will never send any spam email and only ever email people who have emailed it first (e.g., to respond to questions received about the site).